Graphic design online magazine
Inside and Out
The animation “Inside and Out” has been one of the most popular and inspiring products of Pixar. This animation entered a new and different stage in Pixar’s story-telling stories and animation in general, after which Pixar...
Experience the culmination of a two-year journey with The Beetle’s Legacy, an interesting deck of playing cards presented by The Gentleman Wake and designed by the visionary team at Widakk Design. Crafted to delight collectors, thrill players, and ignite the imagination of magic enthusiasts worldwide, The Beetle’s Legacy embodies the...
DMP Awards
DMP Awards recognizes and celebrates groundbreaking designs and their creators, offering global recognition, networking opportunities, and promotional benefits. This prestigious international competition in the field of design and product design, communication, and graphics goes beyond winning an award; it’s a unique opportunity to elevate your work on a global scale....